Curved GMB201021R
- Артикул:: Curved Battery GMB201021R
- Краткое описание:: Markyn Curved Battery supplier Customize Smallest Rechargeable Battery,ER14250 and Ultra-thin Battery for Wearable Devices,such as Google Glass,Wristband Battery,Iwatch Battery.
Publish time:2020-01-13 21:05:28
Markyn supply Curved Lipo Battery,Smallest Rechargeable Battery,ER14250 Battery,Tiny and Micro Lithium Battery for Google Glass,Wristband,Iwatch and other Wearable Devices. Markyn Curved Battery supplier Customize Smallest Rechargeable Battery,ER14250 and Ultra-thin Battery for Wearable Devices,such as Google Glass,Wristband Battery,Iwatch Battery.